Mobiles for Refugee Women

In the challenging environment of refugee camps, women emerge as the epitome of vulnerability, navigating a complex web of threats on a daily basis. The specter of violence looms large, originating from multiple fronts - whether it be the menace posed by terrorist entities, the distressing dynamics within their own familial spheres, or the unsettling presence of men within their communities. Understanding the urgency of addressing these multifaceted challenges, we have joined forces with local NGOs in a concerted effort to make a meaningful impact.

Our collaborative initiative goes beyond conventional approaches, utilizing the transformative potential of mobile technology. By harnessing the connectivity offered by mobile phones, we aspire to create a supportive network that not only addresses immediate concerns but also fosters empowerment among these resilient refugee women. Through this innovative partnership, we endeavor to bridge the gaps in assistance, providing a platform for communication, advocacy, and the enhancement of self-reliance within the confines of the refugee experience.