Sylvanus Babere Memorial and Funeral Harambee


Our dear friend, Sylvanus has passed in a most horrible way in rural Kenya. His family does not have any money for a proper burial. We are asking his friends from all over the world to help contribute something small to help send Sylvanus off properly with all due respect for all of his hard work for his people, his kindness, and his continual eagerness to serve. God bless you, Sylvanus. Apparently, God needed another angel. Rest in peace.

Our goal is to raise $333.33 in the next 48 hours so he can be buried on Thursday

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Our dear friend, Sylvanus has passed in a most horrible way in rural Kenya. His family does not have any money for a proper burial. We are asking his friends from all over the world to help contribute something small to help send Sylvanus off properly with all due respect for all of his hard work for his people, his kindness, and his continual eagerness to serve. God bless you, Sylvanus. Apparently, God needed another angel. Rest in peace.

Our goal is to raise $333.33 in the next 48 hours so he can be buried on Thursday

Our dear friend, Sylvanus has passed in a most horrible way in rural Kenya. His family does not have any money for a proper burial. We are asking his friends from all over the world to help contribute something small to help send Sylvanus off properly with all due respect for all of his hard work for his people, his kindness, and his continual eagerness to serve. God bless you, Sylvanus. Apparently, God needed another angel. Rest in peace.

Our goal is to raise $333.33 in the next 48 hours so he can be buried on Thursday